Monday, August 15, 2011

Mission Accomplished

In 2003, President Bush made headlines by showing off a “Mission Accomplished” banner on an aircraft carrier as the Iraq war was still being fought. This actually wasn’t the first time the President declared something finished when it wasn’t quite over yet. . .

Bush: Wow, that was a great meal ya’ll! I am stuffed to the brim! Mission accomplished!

Advisor: Um. . .Mr. President. . .did you just eat the entire table’s bowl of soup? We actually still have 4 more courses. . .

Bush: Well shucks.


(The President sets down his Kindle)

Bush: Well that book was mighty swell. I read the whole thing in one day. Mission accomplished!

Advisor: Um. . .Mr. President. . .you’re only on page 4. . .all you did was finish the table of contents. Did you really think Gone with the Wind was only 4 pages?

Bush (stubbornly): I knew I should have just rented the movie.


Bush: Yee haw! Right on target! Definitely mission accomplished!

Mrs. Bush: Um. . .honey, you definitely have not finished yet. In fact, you're actually still wearing your pants.

Bush (pause): Oh yeah. . .I guess you’re right. I was wondering why you felt like jeans.

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